
Choosing The Perfect Sofa

Let's take a little quiz: What is probably the largest piece of furniture that you have in your home right now? What item of furniture in your home probably says more about you than any other? What item of furniture is usually the first item that guests will see - and use - when they are in your home?

Did you guess the answer -- it is the same for all the questions. The answer? The humble sofa! Did you get it right? That little quiz highlights the critical importance of a sofa as a home furnishing. For yourself, your family and your guests, you need a good sofa.

This means that when it comes time to buying a new sofa, you must make your choice carefully and thoughtfully. A sofa can make or break your home decorating efforts.

No two homes are the same. As well, no two homeowners are the same - and for this reason there is no type of sofa that is 'right' for everyone. There is only the sofa that is right for YOU and your home. When you shop around for a new sofa you can examine them from a design perspective (their appearance), or from a functional perspective (how they work and their components).

>From a functional point of view, you have several choices in sofas. A perennial choice is the sectional sofa. With a sectional you can move the sections all about as you please. You can also buy sleeper sofas (that unfold into a spare bed), recliner sofas, and even outdoor sofas for your porch or deck area outside. It is best to consider functional aspects first: what you will you need your sofa for? What will you need it to do (if anything)? Where will it be used - and how often? And just how much space do you have? The fact is that once you have a handle on the TYPE of sofa that you need, you can then move on to consider design options.

As far as design (appearance) is concerned, your choices are almost endless. You can choose sofas with a traditional feel - literally, using thick, pillow-like fabrics, with deep, restful cushions that you can just get happily lost in (I guess you know which ones I like for napping!). Or you can go with a more contemporary type - crisp lines, taut fabrics, simple color schemes.

A few recommendations seem in order: First of all, when selecting a sofa get one that matches your room decor, if the rest of your room has been outfitted. In general, don't try to place a contemporary-style sofa in a room with traditional decor. The reverse holds true as well: don't stick a fluffy, floral-pattern traditional-style sofa in an ultra-modern living room. If the sofa style does not match your room decor it will stick out like a sore thumb.

Some further recommendations: If you occasionally need extra bed space (for guests and kid friend sleep-overs), I advise purchasing a sleeper sofa. And by all means get a very sturdy sofa if you need it for a den or playroom. Kids have a way of turning a sofa into a trampoline, and husbands can be very messy when eating during the big game, so make sure your sofa can take it. As always, buy furniture that is good quality - good materials, solid craftsmanship - from a reputable dealer. Make sure to get a good warranty (in writing). Do your best and pick the best sofa that you can afford. Maintain that sofa - care for it properly - and you will get many years of comfort from it.

Article Source: http://www.article-buzz.com

Information about the Author:

Author: Catherine Olivia is a sofa expert. To learn about sofas and leather sofas visit this sofa site.
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